Regulations of the IYPT
Current Version
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Singapore, July 2017), also available in as pdf.
Previous Versions
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Ayutthaya, July 2015)
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Shrewsbury, July 2014)
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Hualian, August 2013)
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Isfahan, July 2011)
- Regulations of the IYPT (accepted in Tianjin, July 2009)
Binding decisions
Binding decisions are IOC or EC decisions which are not included in regulations, but are nevertheless important to be noted by IYPT participants.
Live streaming during 5th Physics Fight (PF) and the Final Fight
In order to promote IYPT and the unusual and thrilling format of PFs, it has been agreed on that during PF 5 and the finals all recording, streaming and other form of coverage (including texts or photos) of fights is allowed. Live streaming is only allowed in PF 5 and the finals. By taking part in IYPT, participants agree with all above mentioned forms of coverage for propagation purposes.
Decided by the IOC at IOC meeting 2017, Singapore
Answers to some clarifying questions concerning this binding decision:
Q: For PFs 1-4, is it allowed to publish immediately after a fight?
A: Yes.
Q: What about photos or a text tickers in PFs 1-4?
A: Both are allowed, including immediately publishing.
Q: Can teams be streamed if they agree in PFs 1-4?
A: Life streams are only allowed in PF5 and the final, it does not depend on which team it is or if they agree or not.
Even if it is your own team.
Q: Can we delay-stream legally taken videos taken in PFs 1-4 later?
A: Yes.
Possibility of a preferred name
IYPT participants have the possibility to enter their preferred name into the registration system. This preferred name will be shown in parentheses on name tags as well as on official certificates.
Decided by the IOC at IOC meeting 2017, Singapore
New scoresheet for IYPT 2018
Final version of new scoresheet for IYPT 2018 will be published on IYPT official web no later than on March 1st 2018.
Decided by the IOC at IOC meeting 2017, Singapore